The crew continues to explore what they assume could have been one of the Star peoples bases in the hopes that they could use it to catch their breath and lick their wounds. As the crew explores the main room they discover that there is a room off to the left with a glass door. Looking through the glass they see a large storage room that has a deep layer of water on the floor. To the opposite of the water filled room there is a closed door and north of that closed door there is a short hallway that ends in a closed metal door. During the exploration of the main room, the crew notices that there are fresh tracks in the dust on the floor that might be from a cart or something along those lines. The rest of the main room is pretty boring, just molded and rotted boxes of papers.
Lladmar decides to open the closed door directly across from the water logged room as Parrot and Jiminy stand guard in the short hallway, Huey holds position by the water logged room, and Auron decides to cover Lladmar. Lladmar opens the door and it appears to be a small storage room with cabinets along the wall. As soon as Lladmar steps across the threshold loud mechanical noises to the left draw Lladmar's attention and a large metallic robot with humanoid legs and arms comes out of the wall and heads towards Lladmar.

Lladmar reactions by leveling his AK-47 and riddling the robot with bullets as the sound of the gunfire echoes throughout. The bullets cause the robot to take a step back before he resumes is approach to Lladmar. Auron is able to squeeze in the room and take a stab at the robot which misses but distracts to robot for a moment to allow Lladmar to open fire once again. The robot then flails ineffectively against Lladmar as Auron lunges at the robot with all of his might and jams his sword deep into its chest as sparks and liquid fly out before the robot falls backwards taking Aurons sword with it.
No sooner does Auron and Lladmar take a few breaths for relief do they the hear a metallic sliding and the sound of air pressure being released as a door slides open somewhere else...
The strange heavily armored rolling metallic robotoid with multiple arms would have caught the crew off guard if Parrot and Jiminy were not standing guard. As soon as the robot rolls into the hallway Parrot springs into action and tries to jam his shield in the robots wheels but misses judges the angle in his haste and his shield goes bounces across the floor. Auron wrenches his sword from the chest of the humanoid robot and head off to help Parrot and Jiminy.
The robotiod on wheels spins and connects with Parrot which sends him flying back and then shoots something at Jiminy which misses but creates a small crater in the wall and acrid smoke starts to spill out of the crater. Huey makes his way towards the Robotoid (being dressed in Masters of Clean clothes) and tries to order it to stop but the attempt fails. Lladmar makes sure to disconnect the head from the humanoid robot in the storage room before going to help the rest of the crew. During the chaos of combat, the door starts to close behind the Robotoid on wheels and attempts to leap through the door but bounces off of the door as the door closed faster then Jiminy's reflexes.
The Robotoid continues to move forward into the main room and crosses paths with a charging Auron. The robotoid spins trying to strike Auron with one of its rods but misses and ends up bending it against the wall. Jiminy takes this opportunity and opens fire as Auron makes a contact with his Stun whip but Auron quickly realizes that the stun whip has no effect.

The robotoid produces an addition arm that resembles the crews AK-47's and opens fire on the crew as Lladmar steps out of the storage closet and makes contact with his sword as Jiminy empties his last rounds at the Robotoid which then shoots at Lladmar as the Robotiod also makes contact with Auron with its paralysis rod which drops Auron but Auron musters the last amount of his strength as his muscles starts to seize and embeds his sword in the Robotoid. This gives the Lladmar the opening to take a chunk of metal off the Robotoid. Jiminy draws his pistol from his chain link fence armor and fires as Parrot and Huey open fire and rip holes in the Robotiod who then fires another odd projectile which lands on the opposite side of the room which explodes with a flash, bang, and lots of acrid smoke. This explosion knocks the entire crew except for Lladmar out. Lladmar leaps from the table and cuts a huge gash in the Robotiods body from top to wheels as the Robotiod starts moving around erratically. With the exertion, Lladmar finals falls victim to the gas and loses consciousness.
The crew wakes up sometime later with serious hangovers as they discover the wheeled Robotiod is still twitching. On principal, Lladmar makes a point to turn it into scrap. The crew searches the newly formed scrap pile and are able to recover some grenades and a key cards the has Mu-Tech printed on it. Huey then goes back to the fallen body of the humanoid robot and only finds some containers with liquid attached to it.
After some discussion, the crew decides to explore the water logged room before going down to the short hallway through the door the wheeled Robotiod came from. To avoid trudging through the water the crew takes the tables from the main room and creates a walkway to the far end of the water logged room to find what is in the cabinet. As they start walking across their makeshift walkway Auron notices the room is covered in a sweet smelling moss and picks some off the wall. Right before the moss touches Auron's tongue he has a change of heart and announces that no one should eat the moss. Jiminy finds an odd looking pistol in the cabinet and Huey discovers the metal box on the other side of the room is electrical controls and tests this theory by turning on and off the power to the building.
The crew then heads down the short hallway to the sliding door where the Robotiod came from. Jiminy uses the key card and the door opens into another small hallway and at the end of it they can see a hall and some other doors to the left. Lladmar takes point and as soon as they reach the end of the hallway the witness numerous star and burst children levitating in the lotus postition...

The star children float downward to their feet and start heading towards to crew as a few of them emit bright flashes a light which blind Lladmar and Huey but Auron flashes them with the same light back. Jiminy lets forth a stream of obscenities as he yells to the crew to get back into the other room as Jiminy reaches into his bag, pulls a pin from one of his numerous cylinders that have been assumed to be grenades and throws the entire bag as far into the room with the star children as he can before Jiminy leaps through the door where the rest of the crew is waiting and closed the door. No sooner does the door close the crews hears a serious of deafening explosions as the entire building rattles, things fall of shelves, and the crew is showered with dust and light debris from the ceiling.

After the explosions and the rattling of the building stop the crew waits for a few minutes listening at the door for any sound of movement. Jiminy slides the key card to open the door and from the crews angle, they see blackened holes in the walls, various chucks of flesh, and a red mist hanging in the air. Jiminy then shuts the door with a smile and says, "that could have been a lot worse.".
As the crew takes a moment to relax and regroup on the safe side of the door they hear a metallic noise and the door slides open revealing another Robotiod.
Just another day in Detroit Suck City...