Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Legacies of Exera: Session 18


The party returns to Sirabolter beaten, bruised, and treasure heavy. After spending a few days to recover and taking care of some shopping, the party decides to honor their agreement to investigate the mines. The mines quickly fork into two paths and the party makes a decision to take the second path. As the party goes deeper, they find themselves surrounded by thick spider webs and Helestina uses some fire to burn them away. It was not long after this that Harl discovered an oddly smooth wall compared to the rest of the  rough hewn tunnels. Gareth uses some of this psychic abilities to remove the smooth stone wall which turns out to be a hidden door.

The party quickly finds themselves face to face with two constructs where their hands end in a drill and a hammer. The party turns the constructs to rubble before they even get a chance to attack. 

The party presses on and comes across a room with duergar guards and a large duergar statue carved in robes holding a broken arrow. The ensuing battle is quick and decisive in the parties favor before finds an another hidden door which opens up into a circular room. The circular room boasts a beautiful alabaster statue of a crowned dwarf and an old chest. As Enama explores the room she triggers a mechanism which causes two stone plates to spring together separating the room into two sections as well as opening another door. Enama is able to flip out of the way but Gareth gets caught between the slabs moments after he teleports into the new revealed room. Gareth’s excitement about the trap escape is short lived as he finds himself separated from the rest of the party and facing three statues of what appears to be dwarf kings standing guard over three sarcophagi. Gareth makes a decision to open one which triggers the other lids to open as up rises a mummy from each of them. In a moment of quick thinking or panic, Gareth grabs a hold of the mummy right in front of him and teleports both himself and the mummy to other side side of the newly formed wall where the the rest of his companions were trying to figure out how to help Gareth…


PLAYER NOTES: There was a lot of suspense exploring the mines and the mines were set up like a maze as we all backtracked a few times, got turned out, and even ended up in some of the same areas before making progress. Secret doors are always fun and the presence of duergar and interesting technology/constructs had the players spewing all kinds of different theories. The room was the trap where it separated Gareth was a funny gasp moment for everyone else, especially when the mummies work up and he ended up teleporting the mummy with him into the middle of the rest of the characters. This session ended on that note. 

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