About a month ago I was invited to play in a Gamma World Second Edition game online from someone who I had experience gaming with before (an previous online GM). I snapped at the chance because it sounded like it was going to be a lot of fun and lets face it, its Gamma World. Shenanigans is almost a requirement. So, the group was recruited and characters were made. I have to say, we are one hell of a motley crew.
Left to Right: Ladnar the Bullman, Wilhem the "PSH", Gren the porcupine bear, Jiminy the cricket, Parrot the human, and Auron the panda man.
Ladnar the bullman: Despite being nearly blind as a bat, Lladnar is a big happy bull-like being. He firmly believes that he has a mission To Do Good (TM), he just doesn't really know what that is. He has survived in the Pits by being bigger and appearing grumpier than everyone else. He also did a stint as a gate guard were he acquired his sword and crossbow. His previous employer hasn't realized this yet.
Wilhem the "PSH": Is part of a only human community and acts as a technology finder. Due to an unforate serious of events, his fates have become intertwined with the rest of us.
Gren the Porcupine Bear: Small,scrawny and skinny for a bear. Good with tools. Slow moving for a bear since human hands make 4 legged walking uncomfortable. Grew up around humans. This small stature bearman bears back is covered with long, sharp, porcupine like spines.
- CAUSE OF DEATH: Gren was Gunned down by AK-47 wielding giant crabs during episode 3.
Jiminy the Cricket: Jiminy is one of a litter of a dozen muto-crickets, most of which did not
survive. I cannot speak definitely on this but rumor has it he
survived by eating his siblings.

- CAUSE OF DEATH: Jiminy was a victim of friendly fire in Episode 8 as Auron fired the strange pistol he acquired which turned out to be a mini rocket launcher and poor Jiminy was to close to ground zero.
Parrot the "Human": Parrot was born to a normal couple of mutants - Blue Max, his father, had blue skin and was able to alter his size at will, Think Lizzy, his mother, was physically a normal human, but had a bunch of mental powers. Right after birth, as a newborn, Parrot didn't cry as normal babies, but
he did imitate the sound of everyone and everything he could hear. That
got on his parents nerves even more than any newborn should - so they
plugged his ears, so that he didn't unconsciously imitate any and all
sounds he heard and ruin everyone's nerves. His parroting ability earned him his name - Parrot. During his childhood he spent a lot of time with the other children of
the settlement, where he got beaten up regularly due to his tendency to
imitate their speech - this time deliberately, just to provoke them.
Those regular beatings brought to light his regenerative mutation
powers. He healed almost as quickly as he got beaten up. Despite this
rough childhood he kept his cheerful nature and good spirits. After years of regular beatings, he simply "knew" when things will get
rough. He was never to be surprised of any kind of attack. Not that this
did do him any good, as he was still beaten up most of the time, but he
now kept seeing this coming. After puberty set in, he suddenly knew how to get back at those bullies:
he could think those bastards' heads to bleed from their nose. His
mental blast power manifested and he was given a bit of training by
other mental mutated folks to use it in a more controlled fashion by
mental blasting some wild animals that were somewhat edible.
Interestingly, on such hunting forays Parrot was often attacked by
wildlife that usually avoids human(oids). Apparently, after a few weeks
without getting beaten up, he subconsciously attracted aggressive
animals - and he had no way to shut this trouble-magnet trait down. Parrot was always fascinated by the ancient an enigmatic technology of
the folks of Old. So he joined the tribe's tinkerers a bit in trying to
figure out how some artefacts might work. He showed some aptitude in
this kind of work, but he didn't keep interested long enough to become a
crafter himself. Recently declared "mature" by the tribe's elders he had to join a "colorful" group on a dangerous mission beyond the river.

Auron the Panda Man: Auron (the panda man) grew up in Zlugtown but has never taken to kindly to authority or taken life to seriously. He spent a good amount of time fighting in the pits for fame and money before getting bored and basically becoming a bouncer for the more seedier locations on the island.
He is very direct and does not sugar coat situations or what he wants. His personality is like his sword - short on nuance, long on badass.

- CAUSE OF DEATH: Auron fought hard on the turret of the tank but after blowing off one of the legs of the mount of the Cat Lord, Auron was felled by the mounts teeth and a laser sword to the face during Episode 9.
Huey the Mutated Master of Clean (met in Episode 4): Huey is from up north in a collection of warring villages called Ootik. Hugh is from the Village housed in a giant building. It is know as Sam's Club, named after the weapon of choice of the Warlord that founded the village. They constantly raided their rival walled village called "The Walls" or "Wall Market" across the river. "Wee Hughie" (a name that drove him to rage) was too weak to wield a club and be part of the Clubmen raiders, and too small to be part of the Sam's Guard that guarded the village, so he took off as soon as he could. Soon after he joined up a Masters of Kaleen who appreciated his unmarred PSH-ness. (most of the fiercest raider for both the Wallies and the Clubmen were mutants, who sneered at his weak "degenerate" unmutated stock. )
Hughie doesn't remember much from the time with the Masters or the StarChildren, but he does remember the beatdowns and mocking tones of the mutant raiders...and he is itching for payback.
Kamanja the saved PSH (met in episode 8): Kamanja is a tribal member of the Red Death. He was captured by the Star
Children when his band was moving through the area. Seeing what the
Star Children do with their captives has ignited a thirst for vengeance
in the young man's heart.

9 of 12, the mentally unstable android: 9 of 12 remembers was designed to work in a cryogenic lab to freeze the wealthy prior to the apocalypse. As a result, can freeze objects and people or warm them back to life. His pyro abilities were regulated to warm people slowly, but due to damage to his sensory systems he only burn or freeze them now. Then the dark times came where there was to many people to freeze. Then one day, people stopped coming to be frozen the human staff went away. 9 of 12 eventually gave up and went into stasis himself.
9 of 12 must have been damaged in the ruins of the facility because he had trouble understanding his situation and realized that he could no long put out fires, but only start them. Though, the person that saved him said he could be fixed if 9 of 12 could be of help. After years of offering his help, 9 of 12 was tied down to a table and “fixed” for years. Countless experiments left him frustrated and broken. 9 of 12’s only hope and the only reason he sees any good left in anything was the help of Ren, who is a 7-year-old girl. When the master was away Ren would talk to 9 of 12, clean him up, and try to fix whatever injuries were left form the latest experiment.
One day, the master was extremely frustrated at a failed attempt to completely control 9 of 12 like a puppet and attacked to end his experiment once and for all. Ren, jumped in the way and got hurt. This enraged 9 of 12 to such a degree that he was able to break his bonds and finally kill the master who was supposed to be his friend and help him. Since that moment, 9 of 12 has taken care of and protected Ren as she is his constant companion that helps navigate the world.
9 of 12 has attempted many times to settle down and try to live a peaceful life but his malfunctions have got him, and Ren kicked out of multiple settlements. In between these peaceful times he has ran afoul of savvy scrappers and some star children who truly understand what he is and know that 9 of 12 had a rare power source. Due to his intelligence, he seeks out all knowledge of the old world so no one can ever learn the truth about him in the hopes him and Ren can live a peaceful life.
9 of
12 appears has a very tall and muscular figure that wears oversized blue pants,
a ragged 5xl Metallica sweatshirt, a ring mail shirt, and a wide brimmed cowboy hat. On his back is a large
metal wire and wicker basket that has some supplies and a built-in seat for Ren
so she can be carried everywhere and look over his shoulder. His belt sports
various pouches, and a waterskin. Some
of 9 of 12’s clothes hide the true extent of the experimentations he survived.
His right leg is completely armored and robotic and ends in a three toed metal
claw where his foot would be. The sweatshirt covers his left arm is also
completely armored and robotic but ends in a large wicked claw. 9 of 12 tries to use his hat and hoodie to cover up the right side of his face that possesses a metal plate and a red robotic eye.