Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Legacies of Exera: Session 13


Sirabolter is a massive Dwarven city built into the side of a mountain that houses about 500,000 residents. 

Harl and Vladimir arrive in the city of Sirabolter on a cart that they were able to hitch a ride to Sirabolter because Gareth was contacted Harl telepathically and after the shock wore off a quick conversation was had and Gareth shared where the rest of the party was headed and the general plan.

Regardless, Harl and Vladimir spend some time wandering the city absolutely lost to find the rest of their party until Gareth reached out again Telepathically to give Harl directions and the party is eventually reunited. Gareth shares various rumors and lore about the city of Sirabolter. The most interesting information that was shared was how there are rumors of a Drow incursion in the lower mines. After the conversation, the party decided to enjoy some rest and all members go their own ways for awhile. 

After food, baths, and worship the party find themselves at the edge of a fighting ring from the encouragement of Enama. Enama ends up entering the ring facing off against an obscenely muscled dwarf. The match was a blur of action as both combatants ended up covered in sand and blood. The rest of the party held their breath as it looked like Enama was going to be beaten but Enama finds an opening and is able to pull victory out of the jaws of defeat. 

After Enama gets cleaned up, the party decides to head to the Battle Cavern to find out more about the incursion in the mines. As they enter the the Battle Cavern, they are stopped by some guards as Harl Hands over the job posting. The guards quickly notice Anari and share some harsh words and some harsher questioning due to Anari's heritage. As Harl eases the guards minds about Anari and the guards lead them to the foreman of the mines. The foreman explained how they used to be a civilization of dwarves below known as the Alabaster Dwarves and how the kept the forces of the underdark at bay. The Battle Cavern of Unquenched Valor is a monument to the Alabaster Dwarves costly victory. The foreman continues to explain that the incursions started about  year ago and the guards were able to find the tunnels the Drow were using as access and those tunnels have been collapsed but they must have found a different way in and even with the guards patrolling parts of the mine, the breaches have not been found. 

With all of this new information, the party decides to explore the mine in the morning and everyone takes advantage of one of the famous bath houses known as the Bubbling Cauldron. Harl, with his best Flynn Rider smile is able to sweet talk the dwarf running the front desk (who happened to the owner) to run Harl's bath and give Harl a massage herself. Prince Claren mumbled that they can't take Harl anywhere as the odd couple vanish into the bathhouse. Gareth and Prince Claren opt for the public pools as and swap war stores with other patrons of the bath house. There is an older dwarf couple that appears to recognize Claren as a Prince and their low conversation becomes excited. 

In the aftermath of the adventures at the Bubbling Cauldron, the party find themselves at a busy tarven enjoying some drink and food. After Vladimir has to much to drink, Vladimir decides to pick a fight with a grumpy looking dwarf by making fun of the dwarf's beard. This quickly escalates into an all out brawl. The dwarf quickly establishing dominance and the brawl becomes one sided in the favor of the dwarf. In a panic, Vladimir draws a dagger and in response one of the dwarves friends throws the dwarf an axe. In the bloodshed, Vladimir is brought to his knees and before the final blow could land, Prince Claren steps between them moments before the Snow Flurries (The city guards) show up to break up a fight and try to figure out what happened. Gareth quickly offers to buy everyone a drink at the tavern as the dwarf exclaims to the law that there is no need for their interference - it has been settled. The Snow Flurries gives the party the riot act about starting trouble and next time there will not be a choice about the law getting involved. Gareth and Harl give Vladimir a stern talking to about the etiquette of a bar fight and how drawing a weapon should never be an option - it is called murder. 

The party regroups at the inn and they discuss what their next course of action will be. They decide that they need money to finance the supplies they will need to take a deep dive into the mines. The party decided to follow the lead about the treasure that is supposedly hidden in Giant Mountain. The party decided to take the safer path back through the town of Arduin to resupply heading up the mountain. 


PLAYER NOTES: This was a great session full of some superb role play. It was great to see all of the characters explore the city and indulge in their own likes and to see what characters preferred downtime actions are. The DM did some great lore drop about the city and there was even some conversion about settling down in the city after the Prince is delivered. I was shocked about the decisions made by Vladimir's character regardless of the bar fight and my characters sense of justice was going to let the whole situation play out.

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