Monday, October 21, 2019

Dog Days: Session 3

As the rest of the party sleeps Ghost heads out to one of the great walls of the city to track down the Lt. Upon tracking him down, a long conversation his had about the Capt. and Ghost eventually learns that if the Capt. was still in the city the best place to disappear would be the slums. 

Upon his return to the Red Snouzer Inn Ghost goes to sleep before the rest of the part wakes up. Roger, Thane, and Thorin discuss some ideas over breakfast and it is decided that Thorin is going to go to the local gaird post and see if he can dig up any information and will return. Roger and Thane think it is best to wait for Thorin' return.

It did not take long for Thorin to find the local guard post and due to his background and commanding presence he was able to make his way inside and play some dice with the guards. During the dice game Thorin did not learn anything of value but the ideas of how great and loyal the Capt. was were reinforced and how it looks like they will be shutting down the city guard soon. Thorin soon takes his winnings from the dice game and returns to his companions at the Red Snouzer Inn.

When Thorin returned he motioned Roger and Thane to follow him. Once in their rooms they woke Ghost up and information was shared. Ghost let them know that the Capt. is probably hiding in the slums and there have even been sightings of a German Shepherd. 

The party makes it's way to the slums and they were quickly accosted  by a rat trying to pick pocket Roger. Thorin and Thane made their perception checks and Thorin was able to grab a hold of the rat before he could escape. The rat was about to suffer some serious violence but a mob of slum goers surrounded the party and started to throw things at them and threaten them. Thane's crazy good diplomacy check helped.calm the crowd down and and the rat was reluctantly let go no worse for wear. 

...Now Introducing Disaster (Ferret Swashbuckler with the Inspired Blade archetype): Disaster is on the search for his brother that was one of the missing ferrets from then massacred encampment. Disaster is a investigator by trade and well traveled.

As the party trekked on, they ran into Ferret looking for his magically inclined brother and a deal was struck that the party would help the Ferret look for his brother if he helped then look for someone else. During the ensueing conversation it is learned that Disaster saw a German Sheperd of the same statue enter a house some blocks away.

The party knocks on the door as Thane sneaks around the back. A little old maid of a Mutt answered the door and says she doesnt know what the party is talking about and it is just her and her sons. As this conversation goes on Thane opens the back door and narrowly misses a crossbow trap. As Thane looks through the offending hallway he sees to large dogs in cloaks that appear to be armored and are pointing crossbows at him.

Hearing the commotion at the front door Thorin intimidates the old mutt to let him and his friends in as they immediately go to the aid of Thane. Due to some slick talking by Thane the situation does not end up in a bloodbath and the residents are convinced we are friends of the Capt. and mean him no harm. We are allowed to wait inside the house for the Capt. to return. During this wait, the sly Thane tries to seduce the old Mutt in the hope that he can get more information during ye olde pillow talk. Thanes attempt was top notch and the result on the die roll was crazy high (like a 29)  but the shrewd old Mutt turned him down.

The Capt. returns later that evening and much conversation is had. The Capt. and his men understandably don't trust us and it is decided that we will all meet on neutral ground with the Senator at a warehouse (the Capt. Doesnt know that the warehouse is owned by the Senator and there is a secret passage from the warehouse to the Senators compound).

During the next day the Capt. and his men leave as Disaster, Roger, and Thane go to talk to the Senator and to set up a meeting with the Capt. During their meeting in the Senators office (at his compound via warehouse tunnel) Disaster reader an encoded letter from the Govenor talking about capturing the Capt. and the Govenor himself makes an appearance...

In the meantime, Ghost and Thorin find a good hiding spot to watch house but quickly release that they are being watched by a beggar. Thorin makes his way over there and drops some coin on his cup and learns that a wizard ferret was abducted by men in robes right off of the street a few days ago. Thorin drops a few coins in the beggars cup for future information.

As night falls, the party is reunited and it is decided to be completely honest with the Capt. about everything. When the Capt. returns it is decided that they will keep said meeting but try to set up a ambush becuase keeping this meeting is the only way to find our the truth and who is loyal to who....

This is where the session ends...

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