Monday, September 25, 2023

Legacies of Exera: Items of Power


As mentioned in Session 0 and  Session 1 & 2 each of the characters received a magical item but a lot how and what these items were/what powers they currently possess got lost in the note taking process as there was all kinds of crazy things going on. I really like this idea as it creates very personal items and relationships between those items and their characters. It also helps stave off the MMO feel of ditching equipment for the next upgrade as quick as possible. I will post updates in the Player Notes when the items gain new abilities of the relevant session as well as I will update this post.

Garvangr (Harl's Spear)

Weapon (spear), unique (requires attunement)

Garvangr is a spear with the name "Garvangr" carved in Hermannen runes onto the shaft and also carved in Hermannen runes: whenever she rides into battle she takes half of the slain”.  The spear bears the symbol of a cracked skull whose eyes can glow red around undead on the spearhead.  

Sentience: Garvangr is a sentient neutral good weapon with an Intelligence of 12, a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and normal vision out to a range of 120 feet. The weapon communicates by transmitting emotions to the creature carrying or wielding it.  The eyes on the skull image on the weapon glow red when within 120’ of undead creatures.  This attracts the attention of undead creatures, drawing them to the wielder when within sight of it.  

Personality: Garvangr is a confident weapon and shares its confidence with the wielder when held. 

  • 3rd Level Increase: +1 Enhancement Bonus 


Goujian (Prince Claren's Sword)

Weapon (Sword), Unique (Requires Attunement)  

Claren received the Sword of Goujian from his mother, Queen Li.  The Sword of Goujian is a longsword with ancient Hanyu writing acid-burned into the blade which reads "Three Treasures - Compassion Frugality Humility".  The wooden hilt has a yin yang symbol carved into it.   When it is drawn, the blade whispers warnings to the wielder, giving a +2 bonus to Initiative.  The Sword of Goujian is a blissful weapon, which shares its bliss with its wielder, causing them to feel fortunate and optimistic about the future.  Additionally, when the blade is drawn, butterflies frolic in its presence. 

  • 3rd Level Increase: +1 Enhancement Bonus  

Bag of Three (Gareth's Belt)

Wondrous Item (Belt), Unique (Requires Attunement)  

Gareth received the Bag of Three from Queen Li.  The Bag of Three is a leather belt adorned with dwarven runes reading "Bag of Three".  Additionally, the belt's buckle is made with Mithral and is adorned with a symbol of a belt of seven stars acid-burned into it.  The belt also has three large leather pouches sewn onto it. The wearer of this belt always knows their depth below the surface and the direction of the nearest staircase, ramp, or path leading upward.  

  • 3rd Level Increase: Pouches became Bags of Holding  


Shadowgrumble (A'nari's Crossbow)

Weapon (Crossbow), Unique (Requires Attunement)  

A'anri received the crossbow, Shadowgrumble, from Jastari Shadowform, a zsadri blood hunter.  Shadowgrumble is a jet black wooden crossbow adorned with markings of vines and leaves carved into it.  It is further adorned with inset gemstones, platinum overlays, and silver filigree.  It frequently grumbles and can provide useful information to those who are actively listening to it who succeed on a DC 15 Perception check.

  • 3rd Level Increase: Enhanced Critical Hit - On a critical, this weapon deals an additional 2d6 piercing damage  
Pia's Belt (Enama's Belt)

Wondrous Item (Belt), Unique (Requires Attunement)  

Enama received Pia's Belt from Queen Li.  Pia's Belt is a leather belt inscribed with feathered wings and suns.  It has its name, "Pia's Belt", inscribed in Celestial writing on it.  The golden belt buckle has a sun acid-etched into it.  The belt periodically and randomly alters its appearance in slight ways outside of the wearer's control.  There is a little known prophecy that the bearer of Pia's belt will solve the sphinx's riddle.  Fiends find the belt and whoever wears the belt to be repulsive.  The wearer of the belt can use a bonus action to cause the item to shed bright light for 10 feet and dim light an additional 10 feet or to extinguish the light.
  •  3rd Level Increase: +1 to saving throws and DC's to Ki abilities. In addition, a bonus action can be utilized to regain Ki points equal to the roll of the Martial Arts die. Once this feature is used, it cannot be used until the next dawn.
 Feyshadow Boots (Helenista's Belt)

Wondrous Item (Boots), Unique (Requires Attunement)  

Helestina received the Feyshadow Boots from General Serac.  The Feyshadow Boots are leather gray boots adorned with markings of stars.  Each boot also bears the sigil of the Mage School of Maemyth Quor on the front shaft.  While these boots never get dirty, always giving off the faint glow of polished leather, they also crack and fray with every step (though the damage doesn't last).   The wearer of these boots can't be tracked by normal means, as the boots leave no footprints and leave no other sign of the wearer's passing (such as odor). 

  • 3rd Level Increase: The footsteps of the wearer makes no sound and the wearer gains advantage on Stealth checks that involve moving silently. 

Taleweaver (Stephonocles Lute)

Wondrous Item (Musical Instrument), Unique (Requires Attunement)  

Taleweaver is a musical instrument of strange appearance and magical nature. It has the shape of a tower rising out of a double crescent moon, reminiscent of the symbol of the orcish god Touvos. It is made of a crimson-colored wood and covered in orcish runes, spelling out its name, Taleweaver. It has a shimmering jewel-encrusted brown leather strap to hold it to the wielder's body. This instrument is made of multiple parts that can make it function as several musical instruments simultaneously. It can function as a lute, dulcimer, flute, viol, and a drum. It doubles the range of bardic inspiration to 120’.

The Taleweaver is a sentient magical item with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 18. It has hearing and normal vision out to a range of 120 feet. It communicates telepathically with the creature attuned to it. It can read, speak, and write Rollarian Common and Orcish. This instrument inspires the wielder to a sense of valor and glory and heroism. It has a neutral good alignment. It likes making music and tends to play itself if no one is playing it, causing anyone holding it to have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) skill checks.
  • 3rd Level Enhancement: This magical instrument functions as a +1 spellcasting focus, giving a +1 to the spellcaster's Spell Attack Bonus and Spell Save DC. 
Mazeblade (Vladimir's Dagger)

Weapon (Dagger), Unique (Requires Attunement)  

This dagger is a piece of jagged onyx whose blade is scribed with a maze-like pattern with no beginning or end. This pattern is ever-changing. This weapon is desirable to all humanoids of evil alignment. They may take reasonable action to attain it.

The Mazeblade is a sentient chaotic evil weapon with an Intelligence of 12, a Wisdom of 12, and a Charisma of 20. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand Abyssal and Rollarian Common. An insane glabrezu named Uth'tinor lives within the Mazeblade. The weapon yearns to cause chaos. It learns its wielder's principles, then uses those ideals to encourage reckless action. The dagger whispers ideas of revolution.

The wielder can speak, read, and write Abyssal.
  •  3rd Level Enhancement: The wielder gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, immediately after you make a ranged attack with this weapon, it reappears in its sheath.

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